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First Training Session - Kingdom Muay Thai New Home


It’s been several weeks of team work getting our new permanent location ready at 475 Edward Ave, Richmond Hill.  The banner showing the Kingdom Lion was the first to hang from the ceiling. The floors and windows were scraped and cleaned and the walls were painted black. Everyone has been assisting with the transformation and not just because PC Kru Hamed has been threatening with knees and elbows. Even the ghosts we inherited from previous tenants have been spotted sweeping. Ehsan has incorporated mopping the floors into his daily workout plan. PC Kru Nima has been blessing every window with his breath works and sleeves. Armin’s OCD has been in full force with him spot priming the walls restlessly. PC Kru Hamed has been running around on one good shoulder doing everything else. Kru Arash has been running the show looking calm and content and with roars louder than ever. 

On October 1st, 2024 we had our first official training session at the new location. The session started with lighting an incense and Kru Arash leading the warmup and training himself. Kru Yai Harold and the rest of us were there to commemorate the first training session. I met one of our new members, Babak. He didn’t say hello and refused to shake my hand. I hear he’s a quiet man. For some reason my heart skipped a beat when i laid eyes on him.

 Kru Arash indulged the roots of Muay Thai instructing us to do jab-cross on the beat and then called for a moment of silence for all of us to listen to the rain.  I had never seen everyone so zen and in harmony, as if we were breathing the same energy. It is official! The center of the universe has shifted to where we practice Muay Thai and we have a home.

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