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Spooky season at Kingdom


Updated: Dec 2, 2024

October 2024 at Kingdom

October 2024 was a busy month in our Kingdom! More equipment found its way into the gym. A mountain of pads was purchased so that I wouldn’t have to race Amira for the red ones. Although the cool and fancy mats are making us wait, the more modest mats kept showing up from all over, keeping our training sessions versatile and intimate. All in all, in October, we tried to find our rhythm, making a home at the new location. We even made friends with our neighbor and enjoyed the love-made dolma Kaan brought to rigorous training.

On October 26th, we had our grand opening costume party, and to my biggest surprise, no one showed up as a Muay Thai fighter. It was an epic night with a smoke machine and mystical lights, put together by a joint effort. Elegant Officer threatened handcuffs and decorated the heck out of the gym. The Kingdom pillar took the night off and became the Kingdom Half-Naked Bunny with a mutated foxtail. Beloved Eisenhower cooked meth and made tunes, losing the battle with Persians and their dance moves though he smiled through it.

Southern Boys, with their heart-melting accents, took a break from working the farm and came to show off their muscle tones. Overacting Baphomet sacrificed every single soul at the party—and a few, more than once. There was a kebab-bearing Scary Clown whom I’m actually hoping I can order on UberEats. Handsome Elvis, with evolved and subtle hip movements, was too shy to sing. A determined Pirate eyed food and snacks, dreading the 10 lbs he has to lose in six weeks. The iron rings coincidentally matched costumes as Viking and Wifey.

All together, it was an amazing night that ended with Zeta-Jones showing up late to sweep Zorro and the rest of us off to a shisha lounge. I almost forgot!! I really dislike gossip, but I’m pretty sure I saw Gru touch one of the Minions inappropriately.

Written by Tahmineh


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